Our Faith in Action
September 8, 2024
Sundays | 10:30AM | In-Person or via Livestream
We encourage you to join us for worship every Sunday morning at 10:30 AM, either in person, or via livestream at our church YouTube page.
If you are interested in joining with others to share life and dive deeper into the sermon and what it means for our lives, please contact Pastor Melissa.
SUN, SEPT 8 @ 12PM | C8-12
Current small group participants and those interested in being part of small groups at Grantham Church are invited to a lunch after service on September 8 where we will reflect on the purpose of small groups and celebrate how they are meaningful. For those not yet part of a small group, come explore what it could look like to get connected.
If anyone is interested in learning more about leading a small group, please reach out to Pastor Melissa: mlowther@granthamchurch.org.
Dates & Locations TBD
God’s greatest commandment is twofold: to love him and to love our neighbors. While Jesus expanded the definition of “neighbor” in the parable of the Good Samaritan, we’ve often turned his command into a metaphor and overlooked those who live right next door.
Throughout the fall and winter months, we will be gathering by neighborhoods throughout our region to consider what love-fueled neighboring looks like. Join the one-time meeting that best fits your home location and connect with others who live near you to reflect on where you live, consider how to bless your neighbors, and pray for God’s Spirit to empower you as you love your neighbors. Children welcome!
Neighborhood Groupings:
Sunday, Sept 29 @ noon-1:30PM | C8-12
For those new to Grantham Church, Meet the Pastors is an informal opportunity over lunch to get to know our pastors and hear more about our vision and direction as a church. There is also time to ask questions about who we are and what we’re about, in addition to learning more about next steps toward forming deeper connections. If possible, sign up to help ensure we have enough food.
WED, OCT 9 @ 7PM & SAT, NOV 2 @ 9AM–1PM
For those who are interested in learning more about Grantham Church, join Pastor David Flowers and Pastor Melissa Lowther for a hybrid learning experience engaging in the basics of our church’s belief, values, vision, and operations. You’ll also have the opportunity to meet other attendees and discern how God might be leading you to engage with our congregation. This class is required for those who would like to pursue membership at Grantham, but anyone is welcome to participate. Please note the format:
All three segments are part of the class. Please register here by October 2 if you plan to participate!
September 8, 2024
September 1, 2024
August 25, 2024
August 18, 2024
Interested in, or questions about Learning Communities, contact Pastor Melissa Lowther.
God’s Heart and Mind in Romans
SEPT 1- NOV 24 in A1
One respected pastor and author said, “If you had nothing but the book of Romans, you would have every vital Christian teaching in the New Testament — in capsule form at least.” Join the Philathean Class to explore how the Apostle Paul unpacks the gospel and its implications in this rich letter.
Teachers: MJ Fair, Jonathan Owen, Glen Pierce, John Yeatts
The Brethren in Christ Core Values Revisited
SEPT 8 – DEC 22 in C8-12
With the recently published Compelling Convictions: Finding Our Future in a Modern World as our guide, we’ll engage in a fresh exploration of the 10 core values of the Brethren in Christ Church. Writers from eight countries contributed to Compelling Convictions, which will bring a global perspective to the conversations. Although the wording of the core values hasn’t changed with the new book, the challenge of the statements has, as the editors ask if our core values are merely sentimental slogans? Or can they serve as genuine guiding lights orienting us and motivating our mission and witness in a rapidly changing world? Be part of the conversation as we respond to these and other questions in light of God’s call on the BIC Church in uncertain, messy times.
Lead Teacher: Randy Basinger
Class Coordinators: Ken & Yvonne Martin
Begins SEPT 8 in C7
Parenting is both difficult and rewarding and being part of a local church gives us a community with whom to face these challenges and opportunities together. In this class, parents will explore Scripture as well as other resources to help orient our hearts toward Christ and his desire for our families. Join this judgment-free environment to share in the realities of parenting and grow with others as we seek to live as wise, loving, and gracious parents and followers of Jesus.
Leaders: Leah & Jason Clarke
Begins SEPT 8 in C9
The Young Adult Learning Community consists of people in their 20s and current Messiah U students who seek to relate biblical truth to their particular life situations as young adults. The time together includes Bible study with questions that help to understand and apply the text, as well as sharing and prayer. Members are also invited to lead discussions. Join as we seek to grow in our faith together and share it with others.
Facilitator: Rich Stuebing
FRIDAYS @ 6:45–7:45AM in the Coffee Shop
The men’s weekly Bible study resumes on Friday, September 6. All men are welcome as we continue our study of 1 Timothy, with much discussion and a focus on practical application of biblical truth. We always end promptly at 7:45am to allow time to get to work or other engagements.
LEADERS | Rich Stuebing, John Yeatts
Are you a mom who wants to gather to connect, support and learn from other moms? We have a place for you! Our Moms Together group will meet the first Wed. of each month from 9:30-11 beginning Sept. 4th lead by Melissa Cohen. Child care will be provided, it is informal, light refreshments will be served, and there will not be any homework. If you would like child care provided please register with Pastor Denise.
Want to support our moms? We have a place for you too. We are looking for a mentor mom or two, and a hospitality person to get the coffee started and organize the refreshments. Most of all, we need loving arms to care for the children of our moms. Please contact Pastor Denise if you can help in any of these ways.
4TH THURSDAYS @ 9:30–11AM in C8–C12
All Grandmothers are invited for a time of fellowship and prayer for our beloved grandchildren. During the time together, we will be using Philip Yancey’s book Prayer: Does It Make Any Difference? with discussion led by various grandmothers. From September-April, we will discuss chapters 18-22 of the book. Instead of the regular 4th Thursday meetings in November & December, there will be a Christmas brunch
LEADER | Velma Yoder
Sharing life around the table is one of the best ways we can connect together as the body of Christ. Over a meal we meet new friends, celebrate God’s goodness, and carry one another’s burdens. Grantham Church has partnered with One80 Ministries to host this time where God can strengthen our friendships across divides, encourage us as we journey together in our faith, and provide a welcoming space for anyone seeking to be known and loved. There’s room at the table!
Fall 2024 meal dates are:
To help make these meals possible, contact Dawn Isley to find out about volunteer opportunities.
The Library Book Chat meets to share informally about inspiring books, both fiction and nonfiction. When you have a book to present, contact Edie Asbury to set up a mutually agreeable time to meet, either by Zoom or in person, and other Book Chat participants will be invited to join the meeting. This is a great way to hear about what others are reading on their discipleship journey!
LEADER | Edie Asbury
Questions? Contact Pastor Denise Fogelsanger
Loving care will be offered in the nursery
Preschool children will be using the Wee Wonder curriculum to explore what it means to come to church, God made the world, and thanking God this fall.
School age children will be using the Shine: Loving in God’s light Curriculum. This fall they be learning about becoming a People of God as they learn about the family of Abraham and Sarah through stories from Genesis, and the Journey to Freedom from stories of Exodus and Joshua.
Children 3 years up through high school are welcome to join as we practice songs that will be performed in the worship service throughout the year.
Birth- 24 months will receive loving care in the nursery (C11) during the worship service.
Children aged 2-3 year old will be in D21, children aged 4-5 year old will be in C19 where each class will have a time of play and Bible Stories.
Children in K-5th grade will join their families for the first part of the worship service. At the start of the sermon, they will be invited to a special worship service. Children in Kindergarten through 5th grade will meet in the area near the mailboxes. We will then split into 2 classes and move to the Children’s wing.
Sing & Play, a time for preschoolers and their favorite caregivers, to come play in the Fellowship Hall with 8 different stations to choose. We will be resuming on Fridays for the fall starting on September 27 and running through December 6, with 2 sessions that will last 45 minutes each (one at 9:30-10:15am; and the other at 10:30-11:15am)
Questions? Contact Youth Coordinator, Chrissy Hoffner
Sunday mornings in Learning Community, we meet over hot cocoa and occasional snacks for discussion and prayer.
Sunday evenings in Youth Group, we meet for lessons, games, snacks, and small group discussions.
We have other “extra” activities sprinkled throughout the semester. Check it out on the Youth Page.
Youth Ministry makes a difference. 15 years ago, statistics showed that Christian youth stayed in school longer, were healthier, felt better about themselves, were more likely to volunteer their time to help others, and had better relationships with their parents. Statistics today show that nearly six in ten (59%) young people who grow up in Christian churches end up walking away. We need to build relationships with the teens to help them understand and own their faith.
Do YOU want to make a difference in the life of a teen?
Below are ongoing opportunities.
Questions? Contact Katie Logan.
We have families & individuals who would love to come alongside you during your time in college through prayer, occasional meet-ups, and general relational support. If you’d like to get connected with someone, contact Katie Logan.
Receive texts about twice/month with reminders about what’s happening at Grantham Church, as well as short devotionals & encouragements. Text “@gccollege” to 81010 to sign up.
Interested in, or questions about Worship Arts, contact Pastor David Perry.
A collective of musicians, tech volunteers, and Scripture readers that help lead our congregation in faithful and heartfelt worship. In particular, we are looking for more volunteers to run projection and sound.
Contact the Office