
What is baptism? What does it mean? And why is it important for disciples of Jesus?

Jesus was baptized by John (his cousin) in the Jordan River in order to publicly identify with the Kingdom of God that is marked by repentance and heart change. Later, Jesus commands his own disciples to baptize in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit in order to identify with him as Lord and outwardly signify a real inner change (Matt. 28:18-20). In the message Buried & Raised with Christ, Pastor David Flowers helps us understand the meaning of baptism and why it is a necessary step of obedience for believers.

“The baptism of believers is a public witness that they have received Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord and are becoming part of the community of faith. We believe that baptism by immersion symbolizes the believer’s submission to Jesus Christ and identification with His death and resurrection.”
Brethren in Christ Articles of Faith and Doctrine (Life of the Church: Ordinances and Practices)
Our Next Baptism Sunday
Our Next Baptism Sunday

Mark your calendars for our next baptism down at the Yellow Breeches Creek by the covered bridge! If you’re interested in being baptized on Sunday, August 18th, please fill out the interest form below.

Baptism Interest Form

Would you like to be baptized? Use this contact form below.

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