Sunday Mornings

Worship Services
SUNDAYS @ 10:30 AM

Our worship services are intergenerational and characterized by a meaningful and engaging mix of modern, traditional, and global forms and styles. Communion is celebrated monthly, and Scripture reading, the visual arts, and a wide variety of musical ensembles provide a complement to a rich diet of the worship arts. You can join us for worship in the sanctuary on Sundays at 10:30 AM.

Adult Learning Communities at Grantham Church


As followers of Jesus we are always learning. In fact, the word “disciple” means “learner.” But learning isn’t simply gaining head knowledge, it involves holistic growth of intellect, emotions, and will. As we gain knowledge, we want to apply it to our everyday lives. At Grantham Church, we offer several Learning Communities, usually on Sunday mornings, that help us to engage with Scripture and various topics alongside others who are on a journey with Jesus. As we dialogue and process together, we also encourage one another to live in line with what we’re learning.

Current Adult Learning Communities

Children and Youth Communities

Children Learning Communities

Birth – 35 Months
(C11) Nursery

Loving care will be offered in the nursery

3 – 5 Years Old Preschoolers

The 3-5 year old class will be learning that Jesus asks us to be peacemakers. Children will discover that we can experience the peace of Jesus in every situation, and that we can be peacemakers in the world around us.

Kindergarten – 5th Grade
(D20 – D22 & D26)

Kindergarten through 5th grade will meet in the Gathering Room (D20/22) and then move to their small group rooms (kindergarten-2rd grade in D26, 3-5th grade in D20-22). Children will discover the many things that Jesus said about peace and how being a peacemaker helps people see us as God’s children. Children will dive into the Sermon on the Mount to hear from Jesus, and then discover practical ways to live out his teachings.

Youth Learning Community (grades 6–12)

Students in grades 6–12
C15 (Youth Room)

Students are welcome to join together for a time of fellowship and devotion from 9:00AM -10:00 AM on Sunday mornings in the Youth Room.

Kids Own Worship

Sunday Morning (11:15 AM)

Children in K-5th grade will join their families for the first part of the worship service. At the start of the sermon, they will be invited to a special worship service. Children in Kindergarten through 5th grade will meet in the children’s gathering room (D20/22) and use the Gospel Project curriculum. Our 3rd-5th graders will meet in D25 and be using a variety of curriculums for Preteens.

Nursery and Preschool Care

Sunday Morning (10:30 AM)

Nursery care is provided for infants from birth to 2 years (35 months) in C11. Preschool Children’s Ministry rooms are available for 2-3 years old in D21.

How can we connect with you? What questions can we help answer?