Kyra serves as office administrator at Grantham Church. Kyra graduated from nearby Messiah University with a degree in history and a teaching certificate, where she often attended Grantham Church when she wasn’t at her childhood church of Elizabethtown BIC. Kyra first began to explore a calling into vocational ministry on summer staff at Kenbrook Bible Camp for three summers and later as a youth intern at Lancaster BIC, where she then served part-time as their youth pastor. In her spare time, Kyra can be found working on a new craft project and is frequently trying out a new discipline like crocheting or knitting, macraming plant hangers for her leafy friends, lettering or calligraphy, embroidery, and candle making. Kyra enjoys a good story and her favorite TV shows include The West Wing, Avatar: The Last Airbender, and Parks and Recreation.