Leaving the Self-Centered Life
David Flowers   -  

* Unfortunately, we had technical difficulties with the church service and message audio. If you’d like to read what Pastor David said, please see his notes in the sermon slides.

MARK 8:34-35; GALATIANS 2:20; PHILIPPIANS 2:1-11

It’s not hard to see that we live in a self-centered society that is making it increasingly difficult to listen well, to be patient and kind, to be empathetic, to want to help and serve others, and to discern the difference between facts and our feelings. What is happening in America? Why are we so self-centered? And what can we do to change course? In this message, Pastor David shares how followers of Jesus can leave the self-centered life behind for a life that leads to true joy, peace, and freedom.


Sermon Slides (2-11-24)
Small Group Discussion Questions