Youth Ministry at Grantham Church
We believe in Youth Ministry!
It is our intention to take students deep and wide by KNOWING God through a personal relationship, helping them OWN their faith through a holistic-discipleship process, and challenge them to make their faith KNOWN to their friends and on their school campuses.

Meet with us!
SUNDAYS @ 9AM-10AM in C15 (Youth Room)
Sunday mornings in Learning Community, students are welcome to connect with each other through lessons and prayer with cocoa and snacks.
SUNDAYS @ 6PM–8PM | C15 (Youth Room)
Students are encouraged to put their lessons into actions. On Sunday evenings, students meet for service, devotions, games, and snacks.
Every other month, or so, we have dinner with a small group of “non youth” members of the greater church body. We get to know each other over a shared meal and games!
We also intentionally incorporate new and different types of Worship. We participate in Campfire and Taize worship events whenever possible.
Serve with us at Grantham!
- Leadership opportunities are available for teens during the worship service to help oversee the care and teaching of children pre-K to 5th grade.
- The first Thursday of each month we gather to set up for Friday morning Sing & Play.
- Throughout the year, we serve outside our church building with our Ministry Partners.
For more information on ways to serve, please contact Chrissy Hoffner, Youth Coordinator.
Volunteer with us!
Youth Ministry makes a difference. 15 years ago, statistics showed that Christian youth stayed in school longer, were healthier, felt better about themselves, were more likely to volunteer their time to help others, and had better relationships with their parents. Statistics today show that nearly six in ten (59%) young people who grow up in Christian churches end up walking away. We need to build relationships with the teens to help them understand and own their faith.
Do YOU want to make a difference in the life of a teen?
Current Calendar