Deadline: September 1, 2024

Theme: As part of our ongoing art gallery and worship arts ministry, the Grantham Church Art Gallery will display works by a variety of artists of Christian faith. This exhibition is intended for display throughout the Advent Season 2024 to see anew the richness and significance of Christ’s Incarnation, with special emphasis on the Old Testament prophecies that were fulfilled in Christ’s birth. Works that incorporate ideas around the “O Antiphons” are especially valued. These are the seven ancient Latin prayers that form the Vespers services during the week before Christmas.

Eligibility: Open to all artists age 12 and older. Eligible media include: textiles, acrylics, oils, watercolors, pastels, drawings, printmaking, photography, digital art, mixed media, jewelry, or crafts. All art submitted must be the original work of the applicant, completed without the aid of an instructor. Artwork will need to be suitably framed and/or ready to hang (with a metal wire) on the gallery’s walls. 3D pieces will be displayed on pedestals.

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